I turned 34 about a month ago.
I didn’t celebrate much – it happened very close to the tragic death of George Floyd, the surge of protesting, and a revitalized movement to eradicate systemic racism in our country. Celebrating my birthday in an online space seemed all kinds of wrong and distasteful. But I did spend some time thinking about what I’d like this next year to hold for my life, Lord willing.
What do I want this year to hold? What are some goals I’d like to set for myself? Turning 35 is a big deal for a few reasons, and when I look back, I don’t want a feeling that I’ve wasted my time.
So, I do what any list lover would do. I made a list.

1. Go to Hawaii. With Covid, Chad and I canceled our Spring 2020 trip to Maui. With a mandatory 14 day quarantine upon arrival, it felt like we didn’t really have an option. So, at some point this year, after July, we’d like to schedule our 10 year anniversary trip!
2. Begin a personal project. I’ve overthought this for years, feeling like I needed to come up with “the perfect thing.” Looking forward to some creative shooting over the next few months!
3. Landscape my backyard. Since I did a quick update to my screened in porch, I look out back into a wild mess. It needs a little love, and a lot of plants to help with the weeds and chigger population.
4. Take a Class. I’ve always loved learning and find it hard to teach myself. I’ve purchased two online classes that I’m excited to finish. One is on flash from Sandra Coan, and the other is on Branding from Abby Grace. Both incredible teachers and photographers. I’m so excited to learn from them!
5. Take a spontaneous trip. I’ve always wanted to do this. Set aside a week or weekend, and book something last minute. I want to see if I can challenge myself to be impulsive and adventurous.
6. Make a cake from scratch. My mom loves cake. Like, is a real, self diagnosed, cake snob. But I can’t bake to save my life. So, here’s to trying. And eating.
7. Send 35 hand written notes. Because weddings and Christmas shouldn’t be the only time I use snail mail. I got this idea from my friend Katie’s 30 before 30 list. She had some great ideas and this was one of them!
8. One of the above will be FAN MAIL. Yep – that’s right. Channeling 10 year old Ali and sending fan mail to a celebrity.

9. Take golf lessons.
10. Play a round of golf with my family. Mom, Dad, Chad and me.
11. Do a pull up. I got so close last year, but then I feel of the workout wagon. Once our gym reopens, I plan on getting back into a workout routine and working up to doing 1, maybe even two, pull-ups!
12. Commit to a nutrition plan. Originally, I thought of doing a Whole30. I may still; it’s the only diet I’ve ever completed. But I’d like to develop long term habits and discipline. I have a plan I’ve purchased, and now I have to execute!
13. Complete a one week phone fast.
14. Go camping. Like, in a tent! Since we got married, I’ve been asking Chad if we can go camping, and we never have found a good time between Virginia weather and seasonal allergies. This is the year!
15. Travel solo. Inspired by Nancy, my grandmother who visited Ireland solo.
16. Go to Disney World. If you know me, you know that this isn’t really something I’m dying to do. But we acquired tickets and kind of got excited about the possibility of heading down to Florida for a few days of theme parks!
17. Reread The Common Rule. By Justin Whitmel Earley. A book that has truly transformed the way I look at Christian living and personal discipleship.
18. Get outside more. Paddle boarding, golfing, walking, working out…
19. Eat at a 3 Star Michelin Restaurant. I’m thinking The Inn at Little Washington, or Masseria.
20. 10 year anniversary photos.
21. Learn to surf!
22. Swim at the Red Sand Beach.
23. Brunch at The Jefferson.
24. Purge my closet – again. During quarantine, I spent time getting rid of a lot of clothing. But I still feel like I have a closet that is cluttered with things I don’t wear. Maybe once the seasons change, I’ll do another round.
25. Host a girl’s night.
26. Spend more than an hour in prayer. “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” – Martin Luther. When we bend before God in prayer, we admit that we are not in control of our life. I’m not used to quieting myself for very long and plan to make a space in my life for this.
27. Spend a day with my grandmother.
28. Commission or buy a piece of art. I have a very large place on our living room wall that is begging for a large painting.
29. Go to a concert; stand in the front row. I’m looking forward to this day but I don’t know if it will be possible in the year after COVID.
30. Watch 5 movies I’ve never seen: Life is Beautiful, Just Mercy, Casablanca, White Christmas, and… any suggestions for the 5th?
31. Sew an article of clothing. And actually wear it.
32. Drink more water. Enter: Yeti
33. Pray daily for a baby. Chad and I continue to ask the Lord for this precious gift in faith, knowing He is able to provide. All are invited to join us in prayer.
34. Document and blog much of this list.
35. Turn 35. Lord willing, I’m excited to celebrate my birthday in 2021 in Cabo photographing a phenomenal wedding and spending the week in a hotel with Chad!

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